Friday, February 21, 2025

To my 2nd son on his 18th birthday

It's early in the morning and all the people in the house are still asleep. 

It was that way on the day you were born, too. 

Your brother and sister slept at Nana's house so we could leave early for the hospital.

Your dad slept in as long as possible,  obviously.

But I was up. I was anxious to meet you.

I wonder sometimes why the Lord gave me a mind that rarely forgets. A steel trap, I call it. Sometimes it feels like a curse. But sometimes, like today, I am feeling so blessed that I can recall your childhood, all the highs and lows of the last 18 years, as if every moment was recorded and is now being played back for me to smile, and cry, and ponder on.

Today you are 18 years old, Nate. In the eyes of the world you are an adult. 

But, (and you already know because I make sure to tell you a lot) your age is not what defines maturity or lack thereof. 

You still pull plenty of 'dumb kid' stunts.

You have already been through plenty of adult-worthy things.

When your big brother turned 18, I told him 10 things I wanted him to remember. As I read that list this morning, I wanted to say many of the same things to you. And I probably will as time moves ahead. But also, I have other things. Things specific to the way my heart feels today about you. So here you go, #comediankid. Here's your very own list of things I want to tell you on your 18th birthday. 

1. When you are hungry, for God's sake, eat something. You are so cranky when you haven't had food. No one wants to see that.

2. Be willing to risk being hurt. I know you do this physically every single day. I'm talking about with your heart. It isn't 'stronger' to protect yourself from heartache. True strength is only found in the Lord, and He wants you to be tender-hearted. 

3. Don't trash-talk. I know this one is basically impossible, but I still feel the need to say it. A mom will never stop reminding her sons to speak kind words or no words. Maybe someday when you're old you will have this one figured out.

4. Laugh often. You have a wonderful laugh and a beautiful smile and the people who get to see and hear it are blessed. Show that side of you more. Your serious face is kinda scary.

5. Pray. Pray a lot. Pray when you're driving alone in your car, and when you're in the shower, and when you're mentally mulling over a problem you can't solve. Pray, sweet boy. Jesus is interceding for you in heaven. Bring your heart and all its troubles to Him. He is trustworthy.

6. Read your Bible. I know you've heard me ranting for 18 years about how vital it is to know the Word. I say it over and over because there isn't much that has been more important in my own life. I might not have lived to become your mother if not for the power of the Living Word of God to save me. 

7. Travel. As much as you can, go see something new. Eat the food that is local to the region when you're there. Learn about the history and culture. But then, come home to us.

8. Save money, and give it away. You never know when your feet will grow again and you'll need to buy new shoes. You want to have money on hand for if that happens. But also, you want to have some for when the Lord prompts you to help someone else. Open-handed is the most blessed way to operate your finances, Son. 

9. I'm trying to think of hygiene/fashion advice to give you, but you've always been the kid who doesn't forget to brush his teeth or shower or change clothes or dress acceptably. I guess maybe I can offer you this: Don't sag your pants. I know they're too short for your long legs if you wear them where they belong...but we don't want to see your boxers. 

10. Life has a way of bringing sorrow that you think will kill you. I know you know. But also, there is great joy. And you know that too. The most important thing, Nate, the thing I want you to remember if you pitch all the other 9 things on the list, is that the goal is to know Christ, crucified and risen again, and to make Him known. The world, with its shattered hopes and soaring dreams-come-true, its pain and laughter and failures and successes...He has overcome it all. And so He is worthy to be sought and known and proclaimed and spoken of and loved, more than all the rest. And the end destination is heaven. You have such sweet blessings waiting for you there. "To live is Christ, to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

Happy birthday. Happy adulthood. What an honor and joy to be your mom. What sweet kindness from the Lord that I can call you my friend. 

Your dad and I will ALWAYS bet on #3.

To my 2nd son on his 18th birthday

It's early in the morning and all the people in the house are still asleep.  It was that way on the day you were born, too.  Your brothe...